Jumpstart 2019 Marketing Resource Center

Created Date 2018-08-14 |  Modified Date 2018-11-14

Applies to: Brand Assets Partners
We have provided clarifications around accessing the Jumpstart Program 2019 marketing and brand assets on the Jumpstart Asset SharePoint. The Jumpstart Marketing Execution Guide and the Asset Supplement have been updated, please find the latest versions on the Jumpstart Program Resource Center.


Welcome to the Jumpstart Marketing and Brand Asset Resource Center for the 2019 Program Year. Jumpstart 2019 assets are available on the Jumpstart Assets Sharepoint on a temporary basis while assets are compiled and uploaded to Device Partner Center. To access the Sharepoint please ensure you have Brand Asset access on Device Partner Center.

You can easily request Brand Asset access by clicking your name in the top right corner of the site, then clicking View Account. On your account page under the "Preferences" section, add Brand Assets (OMAP) in the "I am most interested in" field then click Save.

If you signed up for Brand Assets access before July 1, 2018, you have access to the Jumpstart Assets Sharepoint. Users signed up after July 1 should send an email to reviewjs@microsoft.com requesting access to the Sharepoint. User access will be validated each Monday and users will receive an email directly from the Sharepoint with a link for access, and a separate email with instructions for accepting the sharing invitation.

2018 screenshots are allowed for use through October 31, 2018. 2019. Messaging must be used starting August 1, 2018 in accordance with program guidelines.
