Jumpstart 2019: Allowance of use of Jumpstart funds for CSP Enablement

Created Date 2018-09-18 |  Modified Date 2018-09-18

Applies to: Named, TVO, ODM

The Modern Workplace is core to Microsoft’s DNA. Modern Workplace investments, strategy, and focus will continue to drive innovation and growth for the Modern Workplace for years and decades to come. By combining three of Microsoft’s strongest products (Windows 10, Office 365, and Enterprise Mobility + Security) together into the new Microsoft 365 product suites, Microsoft has positioned itself (and our partners) as the premium providers of workplace software and services. The combined value that Microsoft offers across Windows 10 devices and M365 software and services is evident to our commercial customers, and the Microsoft CDS team wants to enable you to take full advantage of this new business growth opportunity.  To help you go after this great opportunity - including the Windows 10 migration wave, new managed service opportunities, and additional partner licensing incentives associated with transacting M365, O365, Windows 10, EMS and Azure products via the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) platform - partners will now be able to leverage Jumpstart funds to grow their Modern Workplace businesses. Currently under Jumpstart, partners have the option under Non-Advertising Activities to spend up to 10% of their Instant Rebate toward Non-Recurring Engineering (NRE). 30% of this allotment to Non-Recurring Engineering can then be spent on Digital Operations. For Jumpstart 2019 only, we are allowing partners the option to use their Digital Operations funds toward CSP enablement.


For any questions, please contact jmpinfo@microsoft.com.