Windows IoT Enterprise Non-OA Price List Update Summary Communication

Created Date: 2019-10-29 |  Last Modified: 2023-12-04

Applies to: Direct IoT

The Windows IoT Enterprise Non-OA Price List is being updated with the deletion of Windows 10 IoT Enterprise products that has gone EOL. Also updated to consolidate Virtualization SKUs on to the price list.

Updated November 04, 2022

The Windows IoT Enterprise Non-OA Price List is being updated with the addition of EOL dates for Windows 10 IoT Enterprise products.

Updated May 10, 2022

The Windows IoT Enterprise Non-OA Price List is being updated with the addition of Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC Base for Arm64 products.

Updated April 12, 2022

The Windows IoT Enterprise OA Price List is being updated with the addition of Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC Base for Arm64 products.

Updated September 2, 2021

The Windows IoT Non-OA Price List is being updated with the addition of AT 2113 Windows Virtual Desktop to list of ATs which apply to the Windows 10 IoT Enterprise SAC products.

Updated January 27, 2021

 The Windows IoT Non-OA Price List is being updated with the addition of AT 2113 Windows Virtual Desktop to list of ATs which apply to the Windows 10 IoT Enterprise SAC products.  

Updated April 16, 2020

The Windows IoT Non-OA Price List is being updated for general cleanup (e.g., formatting updates) and the addition of AT 2112 Collaboration Limitation to list of ATs which apply to all products in this Price List. The redline version of the August 1, 2020 Windows IoT Non-OA Price List contains a comprehensive view of all changes from the prior version dated November 1, 2019. Information on AT 2112 Collaboration Limitation is located in the August 1, 2020 Windows IoT Product Terms.

Call to action

Review this partner-facing communication and share the link to this page with your applicable accounts, who will see all content appropriate for their roles. Contact Windows Licensing with questions.


Posting and effective dates
Changes presented
Final Effective December 1, 2023

Windows IoT Enterprise Non-OA Price List Effective December 1, 2023Clean | Redline

The Windows IoT Enterprise Non-OA Price List is being updated with the deletion of Windows 10 IoT Enterprise products that has gone EOL. The MBR product is consolidated for all Windows IoT. The Virtualization Products are integrated so pricing is presented in one spot.

Final Effective November 1, 2022

Windows IoT Enterprise Non-OA Price List Effective November 1, 2022Clean | Redline

The Windows IoT Enterprise Non-OA Price List is being updated with the addition of EOL dates for Windows 10 IoT Enterprise products.

Final Effective June 1, 2022

Windows IoT Enterprise Non-OA Price List Effective June 1, 2022Clean | Redline

The Windows IoT Enterprise Non-OA Price List is being updated with the addition of Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC Base for Arm64 products.

Final Effective May 1, 2022

Windows IoT Enterprise Non-OA Price List Effective May 1, 2022Clean | Redline

The Windows IoT Enterprise Non-OA Price List is being updated with the addition of Windows 11 IoT Enterprise Base for Arm64 products.

Final Effective September 1, 2021

Windows IoT Non-OA Price List Effective September 1, 2021Clean | Redline

The Windows IoT Non-OA Price List is being updated with the addition of Windows 11 IoT Enterprise products and Windows 10 IOT Enterprise 2021 LTSC. The redline version of the September 1, 2021 Windows IoT Non-OA Price List contains a comprehensive view of all changes from the prior version dated January 20, 2021.

Final Effective January 20, 2021 Windows 10 IoT Non-OA Price List Effective January 20, 2021Clean | Redline

The Windows IoT Non-OA Price List is being updated with the addition of AT 2113 Windows Virtual Desktop to list of ATs which apply to the Windows 10 IoT Enterprise SAC products. The redline version of the January 20, 2021 Windows IoT Non-OA Price List contains a comprehensive view of all changes from the prior version dated August 11, 2020. Information on AT 2113 Windows Virtual Desktop is located in the January 20, 2021 Windows IoT Product Terms.

Final Effective August 11, 2020

Windows 10 IoT Non-OA Price List Effective August 11, 2020 – Clean | Redline

The Windows IoT Non-OA Price List is being updated for general cleanup (e.g., formatting updates) and the addition of AT 2112 IoT Gateway Embedded Application to list of ATs which apply to all products in this Price List. The redline version of the August 11, 2020 Windows IoT Non-OA Price List contains a comprehensive view of all changes from the prior version dated November 1, 2019. Information on AT 2112 IoT Gateway Embedded Application is located in the August 11, 2020 Windows IoT Product Terms.

Final Effective November 1, 2019

Updated Publication dates: October 29, 2019

Windows 10 IoT Enterprise Price List Non-OA Effective November 1, 2019Clean | Redline

Container Usage with Windows 10 IoT Enterprise and Windows IoT Core Licensing Change:

As IoT platforms continue to evolve, containers serve as a common deployment method for applications independent from Azure IoT Edge. As a result, we have updated our license terms to allow containers on Windows 10 IoT Enterprise and Windows IoT Core, removing the restriction that required Azure IoT Edge to instantiate the container.

Removed AT 2024, Windows Containers Requirements

Updated AT 8005, Codec licensing changes

Final Effective August 28, 2019

Windows 10 IoT Enterprise Price List Non-OA Effective August 28, 2019 Clean | Redline

Final Effective December 1, 2023

Windows IoT Enterprise Non-OA Price List Effective December 1, 2023Clean | Redline

The Windows IoT Enterprise Non-OA Price List is being updated with the deletion of Windows 10 IoT Enterprise products that has gone EOL. The MBR product is consolidated for all Windows IoT. The Virtualization Products are integrated so pricing is presented in one spot.

Final Effective November 1, 2022

Windows IoT Enterprise Non-OA Price List Effective November 1, 2022Clean | Redline

The Windows IoT Enterprise Non-OA Price List is being updated with the addition of EOL dates for Windows 10 IoT Enterprise products.

Final Effective June 1, 2022

Windows IoT Enterprise Non-OA Price List Effective June 1, 2022Clean | Redline

The Windows IoT Enterprise Non-OA Price List is being updated with the addition of Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC Base for Arm64 products.

Final Effective May 1, 2022

Windows IoT Enterprise Non-OA Price List Effective May 1, 2022Clean | Redline

The Windows IoT Enterprise Non-OA Price List is being updated with the addition of Windows 11 IoT Enterprise Base for Arm64 products.

Final Effective September 1, 2021

Windows IoT Non-OA Price List Effective September 1, 2021Clean | Redline

The Windows IoT Non-OA Price List is being updated with the addition of Windows 11 IoT Enterprise products and Windows 10 IOT Enterprise 2021 LTSC. The redline version of the September 1, 2021 Windows IoT Non-OA Price List contains a comprehensive view of all changes from the prior version dated January 20, 2021.

Final Effective January 20, 2021
Windows 10 IoT Non-OA Price List Effective January 20, 2021Clean | Redline

The Windows IoT Non-OA Price List is being updated with the addition of AT 2113 Windows Virtual Desktop to list of ATs which apply to the Windows 10 IoT Enterprise SAC products. The redline version of the January 20, 2021 Windows IoT Non-OA Price List contains a comprehensive view of all changes from the prior version dated August 11, 2020. Information on AT 2113 Windows Virtual Desktop is located in the January 20, 2021 Windows IoT Product Terms.

Final Effective August 11, 2020

Windows 10 IoT Non-OA Price List Effective August 11, 2020 – Clean | Redline

The Windows IoT Non-OA Price List is being updated for general cleanup (e.g., formatting updates) and the addition of AT 2112 IoT Gateway Embedded Application to list of ATs which apply to all products in this Price List. The redline version of the August 11, 2020 Windows IoT Non-OA Price List contains a comprehensive view of all changes from the prior version dated November 1, 2019. Information on AT 2112 IoT Gateway Embedded Application is located in the August 11, 2020 Windows IoT Product Terms.

Final Effective November 1, 2019

Updated Publication dates: October 29, 2019

Windows 10 IoT Enterprise Price List Non-OA Effective November 1, 2019Clean | Redline

Container Usage with Windows 10 IoT Enterprise and Windows IoT Core Licensing Change:

As IoT platforms continue to evolve, containers serve as a common deployment method for applications independent from Azure IoT Edge. As a result, we have updated our license terms to allow containers on Windows 10 IoT Enterprise and Windows IoT Core, removing the restriction that required Azure IoT Edge to instantiate the container.

Removed AT 2024, Windows Containers Requirements

Updated AT 8005, Codec licensing changes

Final Effective August 28, 2019

Windows 10 IoT Enterprise Price List Non-OA Effective August 28, 2019 Clean | Redline