Your organization must show customers migrating to Azure and meet the following requirements:
Infra ACR:
Your company must show a total of at least $30,000 of Azure Consumed Revenue (ACR) from Windows Server Virtual Machine (VM) in the previous three (3) months from at least three (3) customers.
Your company must show a total of at least $15,000 of Azure Consumed Revenue (ACR) from Linux Virtual Machines (VM) in the previous three (3) months from at least three (3) customers.
Database ACR:
Your company must also show a total of at least $9,000 of Azure Consumed Revenue (ACR) from SQL Managed Instance (MI), SQL Database (DB), SQL VM in the previous three (3) months from at least three (3) customers, and at least $3,000 of that total must come from SQL MI or SQL DB.
Your company must also show a total of $4,500 of Azure Consumed Revenue (ACR) in the previous three (3) months from at least three (3) customers from any, or a combination of, these databases:
- Azure Database (DB) for MariaDB
- Azure DB for MySQL
- Azure DB for PostgreSQL
- Azure Cosmos DB
Eligible Association Type:
Digital Partner of Record,
Partner Admin Link and
CSP Tier1,
CSP Tier 2
Infra and Database Migration to Microsoft Azure is determined through
Learn more.
*Note that you can have the same three customers meeting the requirement for Infra & DB Migration to Azure or they could be different.